Sunday, 29 November 2015

Jgroup & infinisoan in JBOSS

If you are using clustering at a minimum you need the jgroup and infinisoan extentions enabled. The Ha and Full-Ha profiles come preconfigured with these extension and subsystems enabled.

Jgroup extenstion , which provide the communication between servers and is the mechanism for diagnosing and discovery of cluster capabilities.

The Jgroup  subsystem provides all the communication mechanisms for how the servers in a cluster talk to each other. EAP is preconfigured with Two Jgroup stacks.

1. UDP : the node in the cluster use the udp multi-casting  to communicate with each other.

2. TCP : the nodes in the custer use TCP to communicate with each other.

 By default stack is UDP, but you can change this to TCP if your environment does not allow multicasting.

A multicast address, also called a group address, is a single IP address for a set of hosts that are joined in a multicasting group.multi cast is nothing but delivery of message to a group of hosts on a single transmission.

So In a JBoss cluster, the servers must communicate with each other to send and receive messages. The communication is done using Jgroups channel. Jgroup library provides the communication support between the servers in the Cluster. It provides a channel on which the communication occurs. This channel handles different tasks such as managing the nodes available in the cluster, detecting failure nodes, identifying new nodes e.t.c.Jgroups also allows to maintain state that is replicated across cluster. Http Session in a web server is replicated to all the servers in the cluster, so that if one node fails the user can log in by the session that is already available.

So when an update is done to a session, the variables that are updated are serialized and send to all other server and the session is updated. So In order for the JBoss cluster to work.

Infinispan is extension, which provide the caching capabilities and object replication 

In a cluster environment , similar data is replicated onto each node in the cluster.this data is stored in cache, and caching mechanism and features are implemented by a framework called infinispan. 

A cache is defined with in a cache container. There are four preconfigured cache containers in the ha and full-ha profiles. 

1. web : for session replication
2. hibernate : for entiy caching
3. ejb: for stateful session bean replication
4.singleton : for singleton caching

The web, hibernate and ejb caches are used by developers to cache java component. in clustering , the node use a cache in the cluster container configured for replicating objects efficiently and effectively over a large cluster of nodes.

There are four different types of caches


Sunday, 22 November 2015

Application deployment on a Domain

1. Go to the RUNTIME page of the management console of the domain controller.

2.Click on the manage Deployments link in the Domain section to view the content Repository
 3. Click the Add button and upload the war file.

Click Next

Enter Application name here and this name act as context root. And click Save. 

4. click on the Assign Button

we want to usg.war deployed to the GB_SERVER_GROUP1, so place a checkmark in the box next to GB_SERVER_GROUP1, then click the save button.

The application URL:


By default application listening port is 8080, Here I have added offset port number to 8080. 

Deploy and undeploy applications using CLI

1. Deploy the application on particular server group. 

[domain@ /] deploy /home/jbossas/Desktop/apache_war/usg.war --server-groups=GB_SERVER_GROUP01

2. Undeploy  the application on particular server group. 

[domain@ /] undeploy  usg --server-groups=GB_SERVER_GROUP01

3. Deploy the application on  all server groups

[domain@ /] deploy /home/jbossas/Desktop/apache_war/usg.war --all-server-groups

4. Undeploy the application from  all server groups

[domain@ /] undeploy usg.war --all-relevant-server-groups

5. Deploy the same application to other server group

[domain@ /]  deploy --name=usg.war --server-groups=main-server-group

6. If you want to deploy an application but do not want to enabled then you can use the below command

[domain@ /] deploy /home/jbossas/Desktop/apache_war/usg.war --disabled

check in admin console

7. Enable the application/ assign the application to particular server group. 

[domain@ /] deploy --name=usg.war --server-groups=GB_SERVER_GROUP01

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Applying a WebSphere 7 Fixpack

Install the latest UpdateInstaller once on a machine, then use that to install any updates (fix packs, refresh packs) to WAS, IHS and Plug-in

1. Download Websphere UpdateInstaller from the official IBM Site

2. Extract the installer

[websphe@middleware updatetemp]$ unzip

[websphe@middleware updatetemp]$ cd UpdateInstaller/
[websphe@middleware UpdateInstaller]$ ls -ltr

-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba      183 May 26  2013 version.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 websphe dba    13123 May 26  2013 install
drwxr-xr-x  2 websphe dba     4096 May 26  2013 framework
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba 18961789 May 26  2013 updi.updi.pak
drwxr-xr-x  3 websphe dba     4096 May 26  2013 updi.primary.pak
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba 14075908 May 26  2013 setup.jar
-rwxr-xr-x  1 websphe dba     1120 May 26  2013
drwxr-xr-x  2 websphe dba     4096 May 26  2013 panels
drwxr-xr-x  2 websphe dba     4096 May 26  2013 lib
drwxr-xr-x  2 websphe dba     4096 May 26  2013 lafiles
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba     6866 Nov 20 23:11 responsefile.updiinstaller.txt

 3. Customize that response file parameters according to your environment.

You can find the original response file (responsefile.updiinstaller.txt) inside UpdateInstaller folder in update setup. Take a backup of that file and open and edit the response file parameters according to your environment. The minimum lines required for installing UpdateInstaller are given below. 

-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
 -OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true"
 -OPT installLocation="/u05/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller"

4. Execute that response file by using a command

syntax :: install -options responsefile.updiinstaller.txt -silent

[websphe@middleware UpdateInstaller]$ ./install -options /home/websphe/Desktop/was70/updates/updatetemp/UpdateInstaller/responsefile.updiinstaller.txt -silent

5. verify the installation

Check for a message INSTCONFSUCCESS in a log file called updateconfig.log if the installation is completed successfully. the updateconfig.log located in /WAS_HOME/ logs/update/install 

[websphe@middleware update]$ pwd
[websphe@middleware update]$ ls -ltr
total 24
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba 8570 Nov 20 21:10 updateconfig.log
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba 8598 Nov 20 21:10 updateconfigCIM.log

 INSTCONFSUCCESS message in updateconfig.log as below.

  <message>Returning with return code: INSTCONFSUCCESS</message>

UpdateInstaller has installed successfully, now you can apply fix packs/refresh packs to WAS , IHS or plug-in.

Apply a fix-pack to WAS

1.  Check the current version of WebSphere by using ‘’

[websphe@middleware bin]$ ./
WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2005, 2008; All rights reserved.
WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 8/9/08

IBM WebSphere Application Server Product Installation Status Report

Report at date and time November 20, 2015 11:19:53 PM PST

Product Directory        /u05/local/opt/was/was70
Version Directory        /u05/local/opt/was/was70/properties/version
DTD Directory            /u05/local/opt/was/was70/properties/version/dtd
Log Directory            /u05/local/opt/was/was70/logs
Backup Directory         /u05/local/opt/was/was70/properties/version/nif/backup
TMP Directory            /tmp

Product List
ND                       installed

Installed Product
Name                     IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND
ID                       ND
Build Level              r0835.03
Build Date               8/31/08
Architecture             Intel (32 bit)

End Installation Status Report

2.  Stop all process that users installations

like dmgr , nodes and applications servers

3. Make sure the .pak file is available under maintenance directory.

[websphe@middleware maintenance]$ pwd

[websphe@middleware maintenance]$ ls -ltr

-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba 718834707 Nov 20 23:21 7.0.0-WS-WAS-LinuxX32-FP0000029.pak
-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba  84327167 Nov 20 23:21 7.0.0-WS-WASSDK-LinuxX32-FP0000029.pak

4. Customize the response file parameters

[websphe@middleware maintenance]$ cd /u05/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller/responsefiles/

[websphe@middleware responsefiles]$ ls -ltr
-rwxr-xr-x 1 websphe dba 3064 Nov 20 23:11 uninstall.txt
-rwxr-xr-x 1 websphe dba 4275 Nov 20 23:11 install.txt

You can find the original response file (install.txt) inside responsefiles folder in UpdateInstaller. Take a backup of that file and open and edit the response file parameters according to your requirement . The minimum lines required for installing UpdateInstaller are given below. 

 -OPT checkFilePermissions="true"

-W maintenance.package="/u05/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller/maintenance"
(This parameter specify a full folder name that contains the maintenance packages)

-OPT rootUserHasRunSlibcleanCommandSuccessfully="true"
-W product.location="/u05/local/opt/was/was70"
-W update.type="install"

5. Execute update execute file

[websphe@middleware UpdateInstaller]$ ./  -options=/u05/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller/responsefiles/install.txt -silent

Executing command: /u05/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller/java/jre/bin/java -cp /u05/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller/update.jar -Xms48m -Xmx384m run -options /u05/local/opt/was/was70/UpdateInstaller/responsefiles/install.txt -silent

Check the installation status of fix pack or refresh pack in a log file named by log.txt.
If the installation is success we will get a message “INSTCONFSUCCESS”

[websphe@middleware install]$ pwd
[websphe@middleware install]$ ls -ltr
total 96
-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba  4034 Nov 20 23:11 trace.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba  2457 Nov 20 23:11 trace.txt.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba    26 Nov 20 23:11 relabel.stdout.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba    26 Nov 20 23:11 relabel.stderr.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba 17207 Nov 20 23:11 log.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 websphe dba 56032 Nov 20 23:11 installconfig.log.gz

[websphe@middleware install]$ view log.txt

(Nov 20, 2015 11:11:57 PM), Install,, msg1, Running configuration command: 90SCreateEmptyUPDIDirs, percent complete: 100%
(Nov 20, 2015 11:11:58 PM), Install,, msg1, Current install/uninstall process is successful. Process type is: install
(Nov 20, 2015 11:11:58 PM), Install,, msg1, CWUPI0000I: EXITCODE=0
(Nov 20, 2015 11:11:58 PM), Install,, msg1, INSTCONFSUCCESS

Now check the current version of WAS, and start your process

[websphe@middleware bin]$ ./
WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2005, 2008; All rights reserved.
WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 6/15/11

IBM WebSphere Application Server Product Installation Status Report

Report at date and time November 20, 2015 11:43:28 PM PST

Product Directory        /u05/local/opt/was/was70
Version Directory        /u05/local/opt/was/was70/properties/version
DTD Directory            /u05/local/opt/was/was70/properties/version/dtd
Log Directory            /u05/local/opt/was/was70/logs
Backup Directory         /u05/local/opt/was/was70/properties/version/nif/backup
TMP Directory            /tmp

Product List
ND                       installed

Installed Product
Name                     IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND
ID                       ND
Build Level              cf291321.01
Build Date               5/26/13
Architecture             Intel (32 bit)

End Installation Status Report

[websphe@middleware bin]$

Install WAS 7 through silent mode

In this tutorial, let us see how to install websphere application server (WAS) in linux machine (RHEL) in silent mode.

1. Download Websphere Installer from the official IBM Site

2.  Extract the installer

[websphe@middleware was70]$ tar -xvf C1G32ML.tar

[websphe@middleware was70]$ ls -ltr
total 885272
-rwxr-xr-x  1 websphe dba      5440 Aug 31  2008
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba      1113 Aug 31  2008 launchpad.ini
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba       213 Sep  1  2008 Version.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba     68224 Sep  1  2008 notices.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba      4605 Sep  1  2008 non_IBM_license.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba       334 Sep  1  2008 Copyright.txt
drwxr-xr-x  3 websphe dba      4096 Sep  1  2008 JDK
drwxr-xr-x 35 websphe dba      4096 Sep  1  2008 launchpad
-rw-r--r--  1 websphe dba 905512960 Sep  6  2013 C1G32ML.tar
drwxr-xr-x 11 websphe dba      4096 Nov 20 21:07 WAS

3. Customize that response file parameters according to your environment.

You can find the original response file (responsefile.nd.txt) inside WAS folder in wassetup. Take a backup of that file and open and edit the response file parameters according to your environment. The minimum lines required for installing websphere are given below.  

  -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true"
 -OPT disableNonBlockingPrereqChecking="true"
 -OPT checkFilePermissions="true"
 -OPT installType="installNew"
  -OPT profileType="none"
 -OPT feature="languagepack.console.all"
  -OPT feature="languagepack.server.all"
 -OPT installLocation="/u05/local/opt/was/was70"

4. Execute that response file by using a command

[websphe@middleware WAS]$ ./install -options responsefile.nd.txt -silent

5. verify the installation

Check for a message INSTCONFSUCCESS in a log file called log.txt if the installation is completed successfully. the log.txt located in /WAS_HOME/ logs/install  

[root@middleware install]# pwd

[root@middleware install]# ls -ltr
total 360
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba  41764 Nov 20 21:10 trace.xml.gz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba  24412 Nov 20 21:10 trace.txt.gz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba      0 Nov 20 21:10 relabel.out
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba 281792 Nov 20 21:10 log.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba   7164 Nov 20 21:10 installconfig.log.gz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 websphe dba    985 Nov 20 21:10 installconfigCIM.log.gz

[root@middleware install]# tail -10 log.txt
(Nov 20, 2015 9:10:11 PM), Process,, msg1, Current install/uninstall process is successful. Process type is: install
(Nov 20, 2015 9:10:15 PM), Process,, msg1, Current install/uninstall process is successful. Process type is: install
(Nov 20, 2015 9:10:15 PM), Process,, msg1, CWUPI0000I: EXITCODE=0
(Nov 20, 2015 9:10:15 PM), Process,, msg1, INSTCONFSUCCESS

The WAS ND product has installed successfully, then you can create profiles  according to your requirement.

Create a profile using command line

Below is the command for UNIX to create a “dmgr” profile:

/WAS_HOME/bin/ -create -profileName dmgr - profilePath /WAS_HOME/profiles/dmgr -templatePath /WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/dmgr -cellName CELLNAME -hostName FullDnsName -nodeName ServerShortNameManager

/u05/local/opt/was/was70/bin/ -create -profileName dmgr - profilePath /u05/local/opt/was/was70/profiles/dmgr -templatePath /u05/local/opt/was/was70/profileTemplates/dmgr -cellName wnd01 -hostName -nodeName wnd01

Below is the command for UNIX to create a “custom” profile:

/WAS_HOME/bin/ -create -profileName node -profilePath /WAS_HOME/profiles/node -templatePath /WAS_HOME/profileTemplates/managed -hostName FullDnsName -nodeName ServerShortName -federateLater true


/u05/local/opt/was/was70/bin/ -create -profileName node1 -profilePath /u05/local/opt/was/was70/profiles/node1 -templatePath /u05/local/opt/was/was70/profileTemplates/managed -hostName -nodeName wnode01 -federateLater true

Monday, 9 November 2015

Session Management in WAS

A Session is a series of requests to a servlet, originating from the same user at the same browser.  The WebSphere session management component is responsible for managing sessions, providing storage for session data, allocating session IDs that identify a specific session, and tracking the session ID associated with each client request through the use of cookies or URL rewriting techniques.

Session Management:

You can choose whether to store the session data as follows:

  • Local sessions (non-persistent)
  • Database persistent sessions
  • Memory-to-memory replicated persistent sessions

 The last two options allow session data to be accessed by multiple servers and should be considered when planning for failover. Using a database or session replication is also called session persistence.

Local sessions (non-persistent)

If the session data is stored in the application server memory only(Heap Memory), the session data is not available to any other servers. Although this option is the fastest and the simplest to set up, an application server failure ends the session, because the session data is lost.

The following settings can help you manage the local session storage:

Maximum in-memory session count: This setting enables you to define a limit to the number of sessions in memory. This prevents the sessions from acquiring too much of the JVM heap and causing out-of-memory errors.

Allow overflow: This setting permits an unlimited number of sessions. If you choose this option, monitor the session cache size closely.

Session time-out:This setting determines when sessions can be removed from cache.

Database persistent sessions

You can store session data in an external database. The administrator must create the database and configure the session database in WebSphere through a data source.

Memory-to-memory replicated persistent sessions:

 Memory-to-memory replication copies session data across application servers in a cluster, storing the data in the memory of an application server and providing session persistence. Using memory-to-memory replication eliminates the effort of maintaining a production database and eliminates the single point of failure that can occur with a database. Test to determine which persistence mechanism is the best one in your environment.

The administrator sets up memory-to-memory replication by creating a replication domain and adding application servers to it. You can manage replication domains from the administrative console by navigating to "Environment > Replication domain". When defining a replication domain, you must specify whether each session is replicated in one of the following manners:

  • To one server (single replica)
  • To every server (entire domain)
  • To a defined number of servers

The number of replicas can affect performance. Smaller numbers of replicas result in better performance because the data does not have to be copied into many servers. By configuring more replicas, your system becomes more tolerant to possible failures of application servers because the data is backed up in several locations.

When adding an application server to a replication domain, you must specify the replication mode for the server:

Server mode

In this mode, a server only stores backup copies of other application server sessions. It does not send copies of its own sessions to other application servers.

Client mode

In this mode, a server only broadcasts or sends copies of its own sessions. It does not receive copies of sessions from other servers.

Both mode

In this mode, the server is capable of sending its own sessions and receiving sessions from other application servers. Because each server has a copy of all sessions, this mode uses the most memory on each server. Replication of sessions can impact performance.

Session manager settings

Session management in WebSphere Application Server can be defined at the following levels:

Application server

This is the default level. Configuration at this level is applied to all Web modules within the server.

Navigate to "Servers > Server Types > Application servers > <server_name> > Session management > Distributed environment settings > Memory-to-memory replication".


Configuration at this level is applied to all Web modules within the application.

Navigate to "Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > <app_name> > Session management > Distributed environment settings > Memory-to-memory replication".

Web module

Configuration at this level is applied only to that Web module.

Navigate to "Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > <app_name> > Manage modules > <web_module> > Session management > Distributed environment settings > Memory-to-memory replication".

The following session management properties can be set:

Session tracking mechanism

Session tracking mechanism lets you select from cookies, URL rewriting, and SSL ID tracking. Selecting cookies will lead you to a second configuration page containing further configuration options.

Maximum in-memory session count

Select Maximum in-memory session count and whether to allow this number to be exceeded, or overflow.

Session time-out

Session time-out specifies the amount of time to allow a session to remain idle before invalidation.

Security integration

Security integration specifies a user ID be associated with the HTTP session.

Serialize session access

Serialize session access determines if concurrent session access in a given server is allowed.

Overwrite session management

Overwrite session management, for enterprise application and Web module level only, determines whether these session management settings are used for the current module, or if the settings are used from the parent object.

Distributed environment settings

Distributed environment settings select how to persist sessions (memory-to-memory replication or a database) and set tuning properties.

Session affinity

In a clustered environment, any HTTP requests associated with an HTTP session must be routed to the same Web application in the same JVM. This ensures that all of the HTTP requests are processed with a consistent view of the user's HTTP session. The exception to this rule is when the cluster member fails or has to be shut down.

Session affinity and failover

Server clusters provide a solution for failure of an application server. Sessions created by cluster members in the server cluster share a common persistent session store. Therefore, any cluster member in the server cluster has the ability to see any user’s session saved to persistent storage.

If one of the cluster members fails, the user can continue to use session information from another cluster member in the server cluster. This is known as failover. Failover works regardless of whether the nodes reside on the same machine or several machines. Only a single cluster member can control and access a given session at a time.

After a failure, WebSphere redirects the user to another cluster member, and the user's session affinity switches to this replacement cluster member. After the initial read from the persistent store, the replacement cluster member places the user's session object in the in-memory cache, assuming that the cache has space available for additional entries.

Persistent session management

By default, WebSphere places session objects in memory. However, the administrator has the option of enabling persistent session management, which instructs WebSphere to place session objects in a persistent store. Administrators should enable persistent session management when:

The user's session data must be recovered by another cluster member after a cluster member in a cluster fails or is shut down.

The user's session data is too valuable to lose through unexpected failure at the WebSphere node.

The administrator desires better control of the session cache memory footprint. By sending cache overflow to a persistent session store, the administrator controls the number of sessions allowed in memory at any given time.

See the

Saturday, 7 November 2015

JBoss EAP 6 Profiles

One of the key features of JBoss EAP 6 is the modular class-loading structure.
Driven by speed and simplicity, JBoss EAP 6’s default footprint is very lightweight. JBoss provides different profiles that you can use to run your application server. Only specific extensions are loaded with each profile. You can start a default standalone server instance more or less in 3 seconds. Configurations, files, logs and related files are all found on each corresponding folders for standalone and domain mode.

In order to understand JBoss EAP 6 architecture more, it is very important that we get a clear understanding extensions, subsystems and profiles.

In simple terms extensions are modules(a particular set of capabilities) that extends the core capabilities of EAP. Extensions allow administrators to turn on or off modules such as clustering, logging and security depending on ones needs.

An extension is added using the <extension> tag in the beginning of the EAP configuration file. (standalone.xml or domain.xml)


Subsystems makes the extensions usable. It defines how it will be used and configured. It is also defined in the EAP configuration file (standalone.xml or domain.xml) using the <subsystem> tag under a profile.

For every extension added in an EAP instance, the capabilities and attributes of that extension are configured with the <subsystem> element. If no setting is required then you may simply leave the element empty. (e.g. <subsystem xmlns=”urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.0″/>)

Profile is a set of subsystems combined for different purposes. For domain-mode, four profiles are defined by default. (default, ha, full, full-ha) For standalone-mode, an un-named profile is set.

Default Profile
Includes the ff. subsystems – logging, configadmin, security, datasources, inifinispan, jpa, weld, webservices, ee, ejb3, transactions, mail

Full Profile
All subsystems from default profile plus – cmp, jacorb, jaxr, messaging.

HA Profile
All subsystems from default profile plus – jgroups, modcluster

Full-HA Profile
All subsystems from full profile plus – jgroups, modcluster